caftp'vefoundthefilesyouwant,simplyselectthem,dragthemovertotheleftsideoftheFTPinterface,anddrop ...,Youmustchangeyourpasswordtocontinue.CurrentPassword:NewPassword:ConfirmPassword:CancelChangePassword ...,PersonalandBusinessIncomeTaxes,Residents,Non-residents,StateofCalifornia.,FTP(filetransferprotocol).UPDATE:InJanuaryof2022,TheStateController'sOffice(SCO)launc...


FTP Server: Once you've found the files you want, simply select them, drag them over to the left side of the FTP interface, and drop ...

Broadcom Managed File Transfer

You must change your password to continue. Current Password : New Password : Confirm Password : Cancel Change Password ...

Franchise Tax Board Homepage

Personal and Business Income Taxes, Residents, Non-residents, State of California.

FTP (file transfer protocol) - California State Controller

FTP (file transfer protocol). UPDATE: In January of 2022, The State Controller's Office (SCO) launched a new report submission platform called the Data ...

How to use (S)FTP - Knowledgebase

To connect by FTP or SFTP, you'll need to use or install special software. A good free choice is FileZilla, which works on PC, Mac and Linux. Visit the ...

Transport and engineering

To find and use technical documentation on the Transportation – FTP website, connect to the site using FTP software of your choice.

Using CA XCOM Gateway FTP

You can use one of many FTP client products with a graphical user interface. You can select the FTP protocol on your web browser. This ...

將MyCo的本端CA 憑證副本匯出至檔案

若要在兩個系統之間啟用安全FTP 連線, MyCo 必須向TheirCo 提供本端憑證管理中心(CA) 憑證的副本。 TheirCo的用戶端應用程式必須配置為信任CA 憑證,然後才能參與 ...

指定MyCo的本端CA 作為TheirCo的FTP 用戶端信任的CA

... (FTP)」用戶端來建立與MyCo FTP 伺服器的安全連線之前, TheirCo 必須使用「數位Certificate Manager (DCM)」來指定用戶端應該信任的憑證管理中心(CA) ... FTP 用戶端信任的CA.


FileZilla 是一套跨平台的FTP檔案傳輸軟體,可在Windows, Mac OS X, Linux 等作業系統上使用。具備多線傳輸及檔案續傳功能,能夠穩定的傳輸大量資料。